Ewa Trela har dessverre måttet melde avbud fra sin styling-klasse på festivalen. Vi er svært glade for å presentere Stine Larsen som instruktør for Kizomba Ladies Styling på Oslo Caribbean Feeling.
Stine startet sin dansekarriere med ballett da hun var 6. Hun har bakgrunn fra dancehall, hip hop bellydance og jazz før hun begynte med pardans og salsa i 2012. 2013 var året hun oppdaget kizomba, og har fokusert mest på det årene etter. Dans er en stor del av Stines liv, og hun elsker å dele sin kompetanse i undervisning. Hun har undervist sammen med flere instruktør-partnere, fra 2015 med Theo Awadzi.
Ewa Trela has unfortunately had to cancel her styling-class at the festival. We are very pleased to introduce Stine Larsen as the instructor for the Kizomba Ladies Styling class at Oslo Caribbean Feeling.
Stine started dancing ballet when she was six years old, and has since then been dancing many different styles like dancehall, hip hop bellydance and jazz. She started focusing on couple dances like salsa and bachata in 2012 but dedicated most of her time to kizomba after her first encounter with the dance in 2013. Dancing has always been a big part of her life and the eager to share her passion and knowledge is very visible during classes. Stine has been teaching with many different instructors from around the world, which has given her knowledge and understanding of different aspects of kizomba. In 2015 she started dancing and teaching kizomba and semba with Theodore Awadzi.